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Routes & Schedules

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Greater Lansing is on the move...where will you go today? Find and compare routes with Trip Planner.

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When will your bus depart? Enter a route number and day you'll travel for the route schedule.

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Find CATA Near You

Locate stops and buses wherever you need them with Stops & Departures.

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Change in Plans?

Life happens. You could try to plan a trip with a different route or time, or search for the nearest stop. You might also like Rider Alert subscriptions for service changes that affect your routes.

Disability resources

We accommodate everyone.

CATA buses and facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Most fixed-route buses have a low-floor design for easier boarding, all fixed routes include audio announcements and welcome service, and curb-to-curb services are also available. Learn more about CATA's resources and amenities for persons with disabilities.

Buy Passes Online

Get Fares and Passes

What's your fare, and where can you buy passes? Shop online.

How Do I?

Getting around the Greater Lansing area is easy with CATA! Get the step-by-step rider guide for how to ride CATA.