Get a Discount ID Card
Veteran Bus Pass
Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces and Reserves ride FREE every day on all CATA services with CATA's Veteran bus pass, available upon request at the CATA Transportation Center in downtown Lansing, the Capital Area Multimodal Gateway in East Lansing and CATA's Administrative Offices in South Lansing. There is no charge for the pass, which is valid for unlimited rides up to 10 years. Simply present one of the following forms of identification to receive your free pass:
- U.S. Department of Defense ID
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ID
- Form DD 214
- Driver's license or state ID with Veteran designation
Any one of the forms of identification listed above may be presented in lieu of the Veteran bus pass to receive a free ride. For details, see our information card.
The following ID cards qualify you for the discounted fare on most services (Spec-Tran and Shopping Bus excluded):
CATA Student ID
CATA Student IDs are available through local middle and high schools at no cost. Presenting your Student ID entitles you to a discounted student fare of 60 cents. You are also eligible to purchase a student pass. All students in grades 6 and above are eligible for a CATA Student ID. There is a $5 fee to replace a lost or stolen card. Call 517-394-1000 for details.
College Student ID
Present a valid college Student ID for a discounted fare of 60 cents,You are also eligible to purchase a student pass.
CATAclub Card
If you are 62 years of age or older or you have a disability, you are eligible for a free CATAclub card. This card entitles you to a discounted fare of 60 cents and allows you to purchase a Value Pass. There are two types of CATAclub cards. To get a card, you must apply and be approved.
CATAClub Annual | Download CATAclub Application for Persons with Disabilities (PDF)
CATAclub Annual cards are issued to persons with a temporary disability. They are valid for one calendar year.
CATAclub Lifetime | Download CATAclub Lifetime Application for Persons with Disabilities (PDF) or CATAclub Lifetime Application for Seniors Age 62+ (PDF)
CATAclub Lifetime cards are issued to persons with a permanent disability or persons 62+ years. They are valid for up to ten years depending on when you apply. There is a $5.00 fee to replace a lost or stolen CATAclub card.
Universal Reduced Fare Card Program
The Universal Reduced Fare Card is a special card offered free of charge that allows seniors and people with disabilities to use participating transit providers throughout the state and receive the provider’s reduced fare without completing additional applications or paperwork. This is a pilot program between the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council, the Michigan Department of Transportation Office of Passenger Transportation, MASSTrans and the Michigan Public Transportation Association. CATA is one of 33 participating agencies. For a list of participating agencies and details of the program,
CATA will issue a URF sticker to any CATAclub card holder interested in the program. The sticker is to be placed on your CATAclub card. Show your stickered CATAclub card to any participating agency’s bus operator to obtain the discounted fare. If you have a CATAclub card and would like a URF sticker, contact CATA at and we will send you one or visit our Customer Information Center in downtown Lansing to obtain a sticker. If you are applying for a CATAclub card and would like to receive the URF sticker, please indicate this on your application.
Medicare Card
Anyone showing a valid Medicare Card qualifies to ride at the discounted rate of 60 cents and to purchase a Value pass.
ADA Card
Persons with disabilities may show their ADA (Americans with Disabilities) Card to ride at the discounted rate of 60¢ and can purchase a Value pass.