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Program Management Plan for Section 5310

Program Management Plan for Section 5310

CATA is the designated recipient for the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program. 

The Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities - Section 5310 program (49 U.S.C. 5310) provides formula funding to states and designated recipients to meet the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities when the transportation service provided is unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate to meeting these needs. CATA, as the regional transportation provider and designated recipient for the Lansing Urbanized Area, is responsible for program administration. FTA apportions funds based on the number of seniors and individuals with disabilities in a geographic area. 

This Section 5310 Program Management Plan (PMP) is a living document that has been developed in accordance with FTA Circular 9070.1H (Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Program Guidance and Application Instructions) and outlines the policies and procedures CATA follows in administering the Section 5310 program. 

Call for Projects Annoucement: Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Section 5310 Funding