Be Prepared Before it Snows
Does Your Route Have a Snow Detour?
Routes 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 22, 23, 26 and 26 may go on detour if there is significant snow or ice. View the maps below to locate your nearest bus stop.
Subscribe to CATA's Rider Alerts
Snow route detours will be changing as conditions impove. Stay updated by registering for MyCATA rider alerts, or by calling 517-394-1000.
View all current rider alerts with detailed detour, delay and route information.
When Snow Routes are in Effect
Snow route bus stops will be served as routes go on detour and regular stops located on impassable roads will go out of service. All CATA stops located along the detour routing will remain in service.
Snow Safety Tips
- Never climb a snow mound at a bus stop or stand in an intersection or roadway to wait for a bus.
- If snow blocks your bus stop, walk to the nearest safe and cleared driveway or sidewalk.
- Make sure you are visible to your driver from a distance.
- Wave to hail your driver so they see you need a ride.
- Depending on conditions, your driver may need to stop before or past the spot where you are waiting.
Download the CATA snow route detour brochure for more details.