
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Categories: Blog, , Employees
What if?
That’s the question buzzing from our paratransit department lately.
“What if the holiday spirit extended all year?” asked Paratransit Supervisor Craig Frazier in a department email. “If all the rules, boundaries and constraints were gone, what could we do to make our service better?”

Some of CATA’s paratransit riders rely on our Spec-Tran service to take them to the Greater Lansing Food Bank. Each month, the food bank chooses a Saturday and a new location to launch a pop-up event.
“This often creates issues with our Saturday Spec-Tran service,” Craig said, “as the clients can’t always give us an exact return time.” He said for some clients, the food bank may provide a majority of their monthly groceries.
Thus, the paratransit department asked the key question: What if?
What if we provided a special food bank shuttle for all participating Spec-Tran clients?
They answered this question last month, when they launched a six-hour bus run to the South Church of the Nazarene, November’s mobile food bank location. On a chilly, 20 degree day, volunteers of all ages set up food while our Spec-Tran picked up clients.

The Spec-Tran then drove these same clients home as they finished up at the food bank. They shuttled passengers in waves that accommodated their needs.
“This is just one example of what can be done to make a great service even better,” said Craig. The department is continuing to generate new ideas to enhance services.
What if all the rules and constraints were gone -- what could you do to help those around you?
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