No-Sew Mask Ideas for COVID-19 Guidelines
Monday, May 4, 2020
Categories: Blog
Under Governor Gretchen Whitmer's Executive Order No. 2020-59, all persons entering an enclosed public space must wear a face mask or covering that shields both the nose and mouth.
CATA vehicles are considered “enclosed public spaces.” This means operators and riders are required to wear a face mask or covering on CATA vehicles. Some medical exceptions will be considered.
Don’t have a face mask handy? Here are a few no-sew ways to make your own.
Tie it back.
If you’re in a pinch, you can always tie a scarf or long-sleeve shirt around your nose and mouth. Use the tutorial below for a fitted look.
Cut it creatively.
If you have a pair of scissors handy, you can upcycle a t-shirt into a functional mask.
Don't have an extra t-shirt on hand? Check the sock drawer instead. Whatever material you choose, make sure it's clean. You will also want to wash your mask regularly.
Grab a ruler.
A straight edge, scissors, and long-sleeve shirt are all you need for this mask.
Whichever option you choose to follow state guidelines, remember to wash it regularly. That's the beauty of upcycling shirts or socks to make your mask – you already know you can throw a cloth mask in the washing machine. Alternatively, you can handwash your mask with soap and warm water.
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