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LCC & CATA Clean Commute Introduce New Student Savings Partnership

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Categories: General

Contact: Clean Commute Options
(517) 393-RIDE

Despite the beginning of fall semester, more students on campus, and the ever increasing
problems with parking at LCC's main campus, students may find some extra relief when
they register for their Parking Cards this year. Lansing Community College, in partnership
with CATA's Clean Commute Options Program, now has a new discounted Clean
Commute parking card.

The Clean Commute Card gives students even more incentive to carpool to downtown
Lansing! The CATA Clean Commute Card is available for a group of two or more Current
Students or LCC Employees and gives a discounted rate of $.60 per hour in all the student
lots on LCC's campus!

In order to qualify, all interested commuters must:
  • Be registered with the Clean Commute Options Program
  • Be in a confirmed carpool with at least one other person
  • Fill out the required parking form with LCC's Transportation & Parking Services Office
  • Pay the $15.00 one-time fee similar to LCC's Star Card
Interested students must register, along with all of the other members in your carpool, at
http://bit.ly/CleanCommute. Once the Clean Commute Program Coordinator confirms your
registration and carpool members with the LCC Office, you will be issued a Clean
Commute Card. To use, make sure you have money charged on the card and swipe your
card at the gated parking lots, in a similar fashion to LCC's Star Card.

For additional information or for help finding commute matches, please contact CATA
Clean Commute Options at (517) 393-RIDE.

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