CATA Title VI Notice
Monday, September 1, 2008
Categories: General
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, CATA operates all of its programs and provides public transportation services without regard to race, color, and national origin. Further, CATA provides services to the public and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, height, weight, sexual orientation, marital, military or veteran, or familial status; or mental or physical ability which can be accommodated reasonably. Anyone who has a discrimination complaint against CATA or a sub recipient should contact CATA Customer Service at 517-394-1100. Formal complaints should be in writing and mailed to:
Attn: Assistant Executive Director
Capital Area Transportation Authority
4615 Tranter Street
Lansing, MI 48910
CATA will respond and may request further information with the goal to obtaining an appropriate resolution.
Formal complaints may also be initiated by filing a complaint with the Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights or the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.
Additional information on the non-discrimination obligations of CATA or its sub recipients may be requested from CATA's Assistant Executive Director at the above address or by telephone at 517.394.1100.