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CATA Lassoes Top Honors in State Driving Event

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Categories: General

Contact: Pat Gilbert

The 35th Michigan Annual Small Bus Roadeo took place in Mt. Pleasant on July 23rd, with 43 bus operators from 16 public transportation systems competing. The event is designed to test the skills and knowledge of public transportation bus drivers.

'Events like these demonstrate the skills of bus operators,' said CATA CEO/Executive Director, Sandy Draggoo. 'Each day our bus operators must show their professionalism behind the wheel."

First-place honors in the individual competition went to Al Diana of the Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA) in Lansing. Al has driven for CATA since 1999. "Our team did really well," said Diana. "I feel really good about my performance. It was a great day!"

Drivers competed for points based on: a written test, their driving skills on an obstacle course, assistance with a passenger who uses a wheelchair, and a pretrip vehicle inspection.

The three top individual winners are eligible to complete in the national competition in Indianapolis next spring at the Community Transportation of America Annual National Bus Roadeo. Al Diana also achieved the highest driving score and was part of a three-way tie for the highest score on the written test. CATA's team of Al Diana, Tammie Reeder and Ken Brundage took second place.

Event sponsors include the Michigan Public Transit Association, Michigan Association of Transportation Systems, and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT).

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