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CATA BRT Dialogue Continues

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Categories: General

Contact: Laurie Robison, Director of Marketing
Email: lrobison@cata.org
Direct: (517) 367-7252
Mobile: (517) 896-1873 (for media inquiries only)

LANSING, MICH.  — As part of the environmental assessment phase of the bus rapid transit project — proposed to run between downtown Lansing and Marsh Road in Okemos — the Capital Area Transportation Authority will host a series of stakeholder conversations April 14 — 16 in nine districts along the Michigan Avenue/Grand River Avenue corridor.

"Everyone is invited to participate," said Sandy Draggoo, CATA's CEO/executive director. "We welcome your ideas; we welcome your feedback. You can attend one meeting or, if you have an interest in more areas along the corridor, you can attend them all."

Not sure whether you're a stakeholder? Residents, business owners, employers, employees, students, customers, patients and visitors with an interest in the area are considered stakeholders.

Stakeholder Group Meeting Schedule
  1. Downtown Lansing | April 15, 4pm — 5:30pm, Radisson Hotel | 111 N. Grand Ave.
  2. Stadium District | April 15, 11:30am — 1pm, Chamber of Commerce Boardroom | 500 E. Michigan Ave., Suite 200
  3. Sparrow Hospital Area| April 15, 9:30am — 11am, Pilgrim Church | 125 S. Pennsylvania Ave.
  4. 2000 Block & Environs | April 14, 6:30pm — 8pm, Allen Neighborhood Center | 1619 E. Kalamazoo St.
  5. Red Cedar/Frandor Area | April 14, 3:30pm — 5pm, Foster Community Center | 200 N. Foster Ave.
  6. Chesterfield Hills to Delta | April 15, 6:30pm — 8pm, The People's Church | 200 W. Grand River Ave.
  7. Hagadorn to Park Lake Road | April 16, 9:30am — 11:30am, Wardcliff Elementary | 5150 Wardcliff Drive, East Lansing
  8. Park Lake to Okemos Road | April 16, 2pm — 3:30pm, Meridian Township Hall | 5151 Marsh Road, Okemos
  9. Meridian Mall & Meijer | April 16, 4pm — 7:00pm, Meridian Township Hall | 5151 Marsh Road, Okemos
BRT is a transportation system that operates somewhat like a light-rail system, except that it uses high-capacity buses that operate in dedicated center-running bus lanes. The benefits of BRT include economic development, more efficient travel along the corridor and improved boarding efficiency. Stakeholder group meetings are open to the public and media. To stay abreast of all things BRT, visit www.cata-brt.org or follow the dialogue at facebook.com/rideCATA; twitter.com/rideCATA.

About CATA: Formed in 1972, the Capital Area Transportation Authority was twice voted the No. 1 transit system in America. CATA strives to provide a variety of quality transportation services that are safe, timely and cost efficient, responding creatively to the diverse mobility needs of the region and delivered by dedicated employees in a professional manner. CATA services are provided in accordance with Title VI, without discrimination based on race, color, national origin, or other prohibited basis. CATA encourages media inquiries and interviews by contacting Laurie Robison, Director of Marketing and Public Information Officer, at (517) 367-7252 or lrobison@cata.org (PIO contact information for media inquiries only).

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